Termini e condizioni

Aims of treatment for which you grant consent where required (Art. 23 D.Lgs. 196/03)
The personal data and, if sensitive, voluntarily provided will be processed for the following purposes:
- Any registration on this website, and possible transfer of information requested by you;
- Activities strictly connected and instrumental to managing relations with customers (ex .: acquisition of preliminary data at the conclusion of a contract, performance of operations on the basis of obligations arising from contracts concluded with customers, etc.).
- Supply of goods and services and to protect the credit positions arising;
- Information campaign for the formalization of requests for information about products, services, for the preparation of quotations or offers;
- Join a mailing list, information activity - commercial, statistical, up to his opposition.

Processing methods - Conservation
The treatment will be carried out automatically and / or manually, using methods and tools to ensure maximum security and confidentiality, by players of what the employees in compliance with the requirements of Art. 31 et seq.
D.Lgs 196/03. The data will be kept for a period not exceeding the purposes for which the data were collected and subsequently processed.

Transmission and distribution
Your data, which the treatment will not be disclosed; They may be communicated to companies with ADEX Srl, abroad in the European Union, in accordance with and within the limits of
Art. 42 of D.Lgs. N. 196/2003. The personal data may be transferred abroad in countries outside the EU, and within the limits set by articles. 43 and 44 letter. b) of the D.Lgs. n. 196/2003, in order to comply with contractual obligations or other purposes relative. The data may be disclosed to third parties belonging to the following categories:
- Suppliers of services for the management of the information system used by ADEX Srl and telecommunications networks (including email);
- Service companies for the acquisition, storage and processing of data from documents or other formats produced and provided by customers themselves, involving scale works relative to payments, bills, checks and other securities;
- Entities engaged in customer service (eg. Call center, help desk, etc.).
- Studios or companies providing assistance and advice;
- Subjects that carry out inspection, auditing and certification of the activities carried out by ADEX Srl even in the customers.
- Competent authorities to execute the relevant laws and / or regulations of public bodies, on request;
The subjects belonging to the above categories are considered Responsible for data processing, or as acting independently as data processing. The list of subjects, constantly updated, is available at the offices of ADEX Srl Any further communication and diffusion will be subject to your explicit consent.

Nature of transfer
The provision of data is optional; failing that, ADEX srl You may not be able to complete your registration on this site and possibly provide the services necessary to meet our contractual, accounting and tax. The titular also that any non-communication or miscommunication, one of the required data, the following consequences:
1) the inability to complete the registration on this site, the inability of the owner to ensure the respect of the contractual agreements related to the data processing;
2) the possible incompatibility of the data processing results with the obligations imposed by the fiscal, administrative or labor which it is addressed.
You can claim your rights according to art. 7, 8, 9 and 10 of
D.Lgs. no. June 30, 2003. 196 by contacting the owner of the data, our Company, in the person of its legal representative, who may be consulted for the exercise of the rights pursuant to Art. 7 of D.Lgs. no. 196/03 by contacting our. based on telephone number +39 0432 756128, or by sending an email to info@adexkinder.com.

Art. 7. Right of access to personal data and other rights
1. You have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form.
2. You have the right to obtain information:
a) source of personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of treatment;
c) the logic applied in case of treatment with electronic instruments;
d) the identity of the owner, manager and the representative appointed under article 5, paragraph 2;
e) subjects or categories of persons to whom the data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or agents.
3. You have the right to:
a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;
b) the cancellation, anonymization or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data that need not be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c) confirmation that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data were communicated or disclosed, except if this requirement impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.
4. You have the right to object, in whole or in part:
a) for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data, pertinent for collection purposes;
b) to the processing of personal data for purposes of sending advertising materials or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

The session cookies used are intended to expedite the analysis of internet traffic and facilitate user access to services offered by the site, with their use we are not transmitted it acquired personal data and systems are not used to track users .

The data controller is: ADEX Srl, in the person of the legal representative Andrea Mainardis,
Via delle Colonne n. 13-33048 San Giovanni Al Natisone (UD) - Italy.

San Giovanni Al Natisone, August 31, 2015
The holder
ADEX srl

Adex S.R.L. © 2016 - Partita IVA / Codice Fiscale - 00249590308